
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a counseling approach that teaches psychological flexibility to better assist you in living a life with value and purpose. ACT differs from more commonly used counseling methods (such as CBT) by focusing on living a valued life instead of symptom reduction. ACT takes this approach because many people suffering psychologically are doing so because there is a conscious or unconscious resistance to sometimes inevitable pain in life. With ACT, you can learn to change your relationship with psychological pain, be more flexible with what life has to offer, and live a life that you find valuable.

Exposure and Response Prevention

Exposure and Response Prevention (ExRP) is a type of exposure therapy that is specifically used for the treatment of Obsessive and Compulsive Disorder (OCD). ExRP aims to teach you how to be with your intrusive thoughts and triggers while not engaging in compulsive behavior or mental acts. My particular approach integrates ACT which puts the focus of therapy not only on exposure work but also on valued living. My effort in doing this is to provide a more whole-person approach to ExRP.

Eye Moment Desensitntion

Eye Moment Desensitntion and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of trauma therapy that can help with PTSD, Anxiety disorders, and Depression. My unique style integrates EMDR with ACT, self-compassion and values to make EMDR more about our willingness to be with our experiences in the services of our values.